Monday 13 June 2016

Audience Feedback- Digipak

In obtaining feedback from audiences in regards to the digipak used to promote our music video, I have created a questionnaire to be filled out by my target market of teenagers. The questions I wanted answered in order to find out the audiences opinions were; "Do you think my digipak fits within the rap genre?", "Do you think my digipak follows convention of rap CD cases and discs?", "Do you believe that my digipak holds a certain meaning?" and lastly "Would you pick up the digipak if you saw it in a shop?"

Here is what the questions look like in questionnaire format:
Question 1 Results
15-YES   0-NO
With my inclusion of worn out writing, forest/urban locations, etc. I have tried to appropriate my digipak with the rap genre, which recipients of the questionnaire seem to agree with according to the results.

Question 2 Results
12-YES   3-NO
With this question, I wanted to see if my digipak fit into peoples ideas as a rap album, through comparing it to conventional aspects in other rap albums. People seem to agree with the fact I have included conventional aspects within my digipak with my artist being the focus of the album and being displayed in many places.

Question 3 Results
12-YES   3-NO
By asking my audience if my digipak holds a certain meaning, I am checking to see if my imagery placed onto my album speaks to my target audience, and also portrays a message that they can understand. From my feedback, I can tell that the digipak has a message my target can understand making my album art more effective.

Question 4 Results
14-YES   1-NO
My last questions relates to the sales of my album and how attractive I have made it. The majority of people asked mentioned that they would in fact pick up my digipak to view in stores.

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