Monday 13 June 2016

Production Log (Editing)

Are you on schedule?

In regards to our editing, we may be slightly behind as it has taken longer than expected to get all of the footage. Rather than acquire all of the footage first hand then edit, we have done editing piece by piece, leaving small gaps for footage to be placed in.

How is it going? 

The editing we have been completing so far has been up to standard and has been joined together nicely with effective transitions which makes the video flow. The black and white effect spoken about in planning has been used in the clips we have and looks good in my opinion. The slowing down of footage as an effect has been used for a scene where the "black man" character throws money up into the air and it fits conventions of a rap video and the slow motion effect improves it greatly.

What are the difficulties?

The primary difficulties we faced during editing came when we started to add effects and get all of our footage synced up to the music. The process was more lengthily than difficult and it consumed a lot of our time when turning all our footage into black and white and matching up the acting to the music. We did have a few disagreements within our group with how to edit also which created difficulties, however we overcame them and ended with a music video we all agreed was good.

What programme are you using?   

Our editing process is taking place within our school using the Adobe Premiere Pro software in order to complete our final music video with editing.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of this programme?

One member of my group is familiar with the programme and has used it for a similar purpose. This will shorten our time when editing and is advantageous to us as the software is relatively simple anyway. Some disadvantages of this programme were the limitations of effects an transitions. We were looking for a specific transition for our film which was a letterbox style opening to change scenes or even start the music video, however this was not available within the software.

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