Monday 13 June 2016

Production Log (Filming)

How did it go?

The filming process for our music video dragged on longer than we had anticipated. As we began our planning during the holidays, we faced difficulties when we realised that people in our would be alternating when they weren't available due to holidays, being busy, etc. other than the timing issues with one and other, the actual filming process could of gone slightly better with the preparation of people in the group being sub standard, however we finished with footage and recordings we were proud to use in our final music video.

Did you change anything from your planning?

We primarily stuck to our planning from our blog posts such as lyrics planning, character models and storyboard planning as we thought that if we were to change any of those elements, we would not get the same effect we wanted from our music video. We tried to stick with what we planned to minimize time taken filming too as if we were changing things around we would be less productive and take longer when going out to film.

What were the difficulties?

The primary difficulties we faced when beginning to film were the organising of multiple people as I began to state in the first paragraph. Trying to co-ordinate our actors and group proved difficult, as communication through a group chat meant at times, not everyone saw a message and were left confused as to what was going on. The main problems were down to human error in organising and not within the filming process itself. The camera at times did prove to be an obstacle as the SD card we used to begin with was not large enough to deal with the camera we were using and meant it stopped recording after certain period. This stopped being a problem when we got another SD card.

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