Monday 13 June 2016



Image result for canon 600d
The camera that we will capture all of our footage on is the Canon 600d. This is the most important piece of equipment, as without it we would not be able to get high quality footage with better angles and movement. We plan to have tests with the camera and try to film and get used to the camera before we actually do our music video filming. This will allow us to get familiar with the functions of the camera, making filming quicker and allow us to get the best shots.

Image result for tripod

The next piece of equipment that we will use is a tripod. The function of a tripod is to hold the camera as still as possible in a fixed position. This is essential for filming a scene with no movement as if we were to just hold the camera, the filming would be shaky and look unprofessional. The tripod also allows for pan movement with the handle shown on the side, which is useful to get a smooth camera movement from left to right whilst it is at one height.  
Image result for Apple mac

The piece of equipment that I plan to edit and do most of my blog posts on will be the Apple iMac. This piece of equipment is readily available to me as the school has a suite full of the computer. This will allow me to easily complete blog tasks that require PowerPoint or a lot of typing. I have had experience with Mac's in the past, as my AS Media tasks were completed using the same device.


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