Monday 13 June 2016

Digipack Planning

Digipak plan 1

Shown above is the front, spine and back of my digipack. I have chosen to use my research into digipacks in order to successfully design one myself to aid my music video and artist. I have taken an idea of keeping with certain themes and colours for my digipack in order for my design to have a flow to it and be aesthetically pleasing. The front cover is depicted as having my artist within a grassy area with trees overhanging him. The green from the trees and shrubbery is used as a colour to fit in with the theme and will be a colour which runs through the digipack. He is placed in the centre of the picture to place emphasis on him as the eye is drawn to the centre of the page. The font says "Mr K Magic" at the top which is the name of my artist. I feel this is the most important piece of information on the digipack so I have placed it at the top in large so the audience see and read it first. The second piece of writing is placed at the bottom of the page under the image and is the album title "Don't Shoot". This title links to the image of my artist on the front cover holding a gun. This may need to be censored as for commercial sales the album cover would need to be accessible by everyone. The spine is kept simple as it is such a small area that not much can be don't to improve the looks of it. It will be black and the writing will be white. Moving onto the back, this will keep a similar background to the front with trees and leaves being used as a background. There will be a separate solid coloured square to have a section where the track list can be displayed clearly. There will be the details such as barcode to the side out of the way as they are not the main focus of the back.    

Shown here is the plan for the inside and behind the CD in my first design for my digipak. There is a running theme of greenery mixed with cityscapes. The picture on the left shows this well as it is 2 images, one on top of the other, trees and plants being the background with an urban landscape in the forefront. The plants and trees will mainly be a green colour, vibrant and outstanding, with the grey and dull urban setting contrasting this. These themes relate to the rap genre with the urban setting being related to the origin and presence hip hop has in the suburbs. The trees and wildlife relate to the inspiring message given about culture and ideals in the song. The behind the CD section is all green and the nature half of the theme. This will be contrasted by the CD which will have the buildings to keep with the themes.

This is the CD of the digipack 1st design. It includes the artist of the album Mr K Magic slightly to the right of the CD as if he were to be central, he would be covered up by the hole in the CD. He has a background of cities, buildings to give the urban portion to keep with the theme of the digipack.

Digipack plan 2

My second digipack design differs from my first one. The outside of the digipack uses a blue and yellow colour theme, which is important in a digipack in order to possess continuity and look appealing to the audience. The front shows a large picture of my artist, placing a lot of focus upon him do my audience are familiar with who they are listening to. The album name is displayed front and centre in yellow font to draw all attention to the name of the album, causing more recognition for the album and increasing sales. The rear of the album includes the track list, with the same theme colours and another image of my artist.

The inside of my digipack, again stays with the yellow and blue colouration theme which is apparent through the whole digipack. The left side includes imagery with my artist and a scene with a lone tree, which links to the tranquil and knowledgeable subject matter used by my artist in his music. The inclusion of multiple additional images of my artist further promotes him and gets the target audience more familiar with his appearance. The right hand side is simply a faded version of the disk which will sit on top of the circular area. This again uses the yellow and blue colours.

The disk is representative of the view a person would get from looking down the scope of a gun. This strongly links to the title of the album "Don't Shoot". The yellow font, the same as the front of the album is displayed for continuity within the album, along with the same font for "MR K MAGIC".

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