Monday 13 June 2016

Lyrics Planning

Kendrick Lamar: Untitled 3 

       = Lip syncing 

(What did the Asian say?)
"A peace of mind" - For this line, it will be lip synced by the person playing the "Asian" character.
That's what the Asian said, I need a divine
Intervention was his religion and I was surprised,
Him believing in Buddha, me believing in God
- For this section of the song, the scenes in the video will reflect on the belief in different religions and try to visually impose the songs meaning into imagery.
Asked me what are you doin', he said "taking my time"
Meditation is a must, it don't hurt if you try
"See you thinking too much plus you too full of yourself,
Worried about your career, you ever think of your health?" -This is a key line of the song and has emphasis on it as it is a closing quote of the Asians take on like, to look after your health.

(What did the Indian say?)
A piece of land - The opening quote of most verses is a short sentence introduction of what is to come in the rest of the song, and that the Indian character will uphold obtaining land as one of their ideals.
Telling me longevity is in the dirt, should buy some property first,
The emphasis of the line here is "dirt" so this will be put in our music video in some way.
Profit a better dollar with generational perks
Equity at his best, really, you should invest
These tangible things expire, don't you expect
Income with so much outcome and yes
"Look at my heritage, we blessed" The last lines of each verse tend to be a memorable closing quote from the character, so in fitting with this theme, I have decided to have the characters lip sync the end of each line.

(Now what the black man say?)
A piece of pussy - This line fits in with the theme of saying the first lines as to introduce the characters into the song and video.
That's what the black man said, I needed to push me
To the limit, satisfy my hunger
We do it all for a woman, from hair cut to a war
We like to live in the jungle, like to play in the peach
What you saying to me?
He said "nigga, come back to reality for a week" - This line is addressing the audience directly from the characters point of view, with the character staring into the camera.
Pussy is power, fuck on a new bitch every night
I wouldn't be prouder, you should allow it.  

(What the white man say?)
A piece of mines
That's what the white man wanted when I rhyme
Telling me that he selling me just for $10.99
If I go platinum from rapping, I do the company fine
What if I compromise? He said "it don't even matter
Make a million or more, you living better than average
You losing your core following, gaining it all" - Here the white man character will be addressing the black man character as if to force business offers onto him. It will be as if the camera is the black mans eyes and the white man is closing in on him in a threatening way.
Put a price on my talent, I hit the bank and withdraw
Hit the bank and withdraw, hit the bank and withdraw
Put myself in the rocket ship and I shot for the stars
"Look at what you accomplished and what he said to the boy
I'mma make you some promises that you just can't ignore
Your profession anonymous as an artist
If I don't target your market
You ain't signing your signature when I throw you my wallet
A lot of rappers are giving their demo all in the toilet
Your world tour, your masters, mortgage, I need a piece."
-This is the climax of the song and the tempo of the song shifts for the fast rapping portion of the song. We will have faster transitions and the highlighted section will be lip synced by the white man character. 

I holler What you do? What you say?"
I shall enjoy the fruits of my labour if I get freed today
I holler What you do? What you say?"
I shall enjoy the fruits of my labour if I get freed today

This outro verse will have the black man character being arrested.

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