Monday 13 June 2016

Audience Feedback- Costumes

In obtaining feedback from audiences in regards to the costumes within our music video, I have created a questionnaire to be filled out by my target market of teenagers. The questions I wanted answered in order to find out the audiences opinions were; "Do you think our choice of costumes match the culture the characters represent?", "Do you think the artists costume fits within my genre?" and "Is the costume worn by the artist something you would consider wearing?"

Here is what the questions look like in questionnaire format:

I carefully chose these questions in order to gain helpful feedback from my target audience in the effectiveness and suitability of costumes in my music video. I will have approximately 15 people answer my questionnaire, which is a sufficient number for gaining the majority's feedback.

Question 1 Results-
14-YES         1-NO

The concluding results were counted with the majority agreeing with the fact the choice of costumes were well chosen and suited the cultures they were representing. One quote in favour of the costumes match the cultures stated "The costumes look like the people from the cultures would ware them". This cements the fact the costumes are effective within the music video. The one negative comment received was in regards to the "shoes worn by the Asian character". I can understand why this comment has been made, as the characters foot ware was relatively modern in relation to the rest of the outfit. 

Question 2 Results-
15-YES      0-NO
It is certain that the costume choice for our artist within the music video represented the character as part of the rap genre, which is exactly the effect we were aiming to achieve in order to make our video more suited within the rap genre. The bomber jacket, jeans and chain were paramount to the success of this costume and it is proven to work by the feedback.

Question 3 Results 
11-YES      4-NO
The votes were more split on this question as not as many people may relate to attire shown within the rap genre. However, the majority still voted that they would ware this costume, meaning the goal of targeting our audience worked as planned.

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