Monday 13 June 2016



It is important to plan out our locations for filming in our case as this will save valuable filming time. This will allow us to quickly go out to our planned locations and not waist time searching for a good location. We have several scenes that need to be in varying places and require very different settings.

Setting 1

Our first setting I have decided is within a house. The house we will be using for the filming belongs to the parents of Diego Nuccio who is also in our group for the filming. This will be used for all of the indoor filming as we have access to it almost at all times and it is closest to all our group members. It also possesses the aesthetics needed for the scenes where the "black man" character is being chased by the "white man" character. It gives the feeling of invasion of privacy where we will have the white man enter the house of the black man and try to force his ideals upon him like the song depicts.

Setting 2

The next planned setting we have chosen will be for one of our outdoor settings. We need an urban looking area in order to accompany a section for the verse of the black man. The urban environment links to the modern ideals spoken about in the song. There is an ideal setting, including graffiti and brick work to add to the urban feel of the setting. It is relatively close to the first setting also so it will minimise the time for moving from scene to scene. Our audience of teens can relate to locations such as these, and will see our main protagonist situated in this location, and form a bond with him as they can relate to the location he is in.

Setting 3

The third setting is a more grassy scene, however it still upholds the urban feel with the inclusion of houses and garages within the background. This setting fits within a section of our video where in the black man character references a jungle. This is a sort of visual representation that still links to the subject matter and an urban rap song. 

Setting 4

There will need to be some scenes shot in a field or grassy and agricultural looking area. The area will be needed for the majority of the Indian characters verse as his message in the song is in reference to the value of land. This is easy to come by in my area and can be done in a selection of places, such as Russell Park, Bedford Park, Priory Marina, etc. 

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