Monday 13 June 2016

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas

My group that I will be working with contains me, Ashley Coleman and Diego Nuccio. I have worked with these two before on my previous AS project so we know each others strengths and how to work with each other as a team. The artist that we will be making a music video for is Kendrick Lamar. He is a rap artist and is considered a big name in the rap industry and talks about conscience subject matter, such as black rights and alcoholism. We have chosen to do a song off of his unmastered  release of songs, put together in a project called "Untitled Unmastered". The name of the song is Untitled 3 and speaks on the subject matter of varying cultures such as Asian, Indian, white and black culture, drawing comparisons in each and taking views from them for himself.  We have used an artist of our own to take on the song and to star our own music video for Untitled 3. The artist will be played by Kyle Bell and he will be given the artist name "Mr K. Magic". This name gives off a more sophisticated feel with the proper addressing of Mr being used, which is appropriate as he raps about more complex subject matters such as racial stereotypes and discrimination and can be viewed as more mature than other rappers who rhyme about simple topics. Our music video will follow a narrative which matches up to the lyrics of the song, but will allow us to be free in what we film, as we won't stick to each word of the song. The ideas we have so far for our music video include having a character be the spokesman for each culture rapped about in the song. For example, we would have an individual actor play the character of the Indian, Asian, etc. This gives the spoken words of each culture a visual representation. This idea is appropriate for our music video as it links to the song very well, showing the values of each culture as spoken in the song. The music video will link to the rap genre as it will show conventions within the "black man" verse of the song. The verse includes stereotypical views of black culture, which holds origins in rap culture also, aptly linking to the genre. The song possesses views that the white man character acts as a sort of antagonist which tries to control and restrict the black man character. Through lyrics such as "what did the white man say- a piece of mines". This portrays the character as quite a greedy and businessman like character who takes advantage of the less fortunate. The other characters seem to have positive qualities- the Asian having more spiritual values and the Indian teaching the protagonist about the values of heritage. My first ideas in terms of editing are that the video would benefit by being in black and white. This not only fits in with the previous videos made by the songs artist Kendrick Lamar, but it can also be used to enforce the message that we would be colour blind and not judge people for their colour, a theme and message in the song.

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