Monday 13 June 2016



Another factor we need to take into account when planning our music video is the props that we need. Props are a part of mise en scene and are needed in creating a more authentic scene. In this task I will be listing the props we will use for our music video. This will help us as by planning in advance we will know what to bring to each filming session and will no waste time searching for props.

A convention in the rap genre is the artist showing their wealth through possessions or physically showing the money they own. Often times the money in the video is thrown around and not looked after to give he illusion the rapper has so much money that it doesn't matter. For parts in our video where this happens, we will use printed money, like an image of money on paper. For the close of money we will use real money as it is easy to tell money is fake close up.

The inclusion of jewellery in our music video also adds to the illusion that the artist in our video is wealthy, as it is common knowledge that chains are an expensive item. This allows us to get the message across that our artist is wealthy and powerful- a convention in the rap genre, without stating it outright.

The inclusion of a prop gun in our music video will validate the area of the song where the subject matter shifts to another culture. A key element of rap videos is the protagonist being portrayed as powerful. A gun is a symbol of power as it has the ability to take a life in an instant and anyone with a gun is immediately made more powerful just by having one.
Image result for vauxhall astra
Within the rap genre, there are many videos which include cars, this is another attempt to show the wealth of an artist and in turn, his power. With our artist, he is a young man, so the use of a car makes him look even more impressive as it is rare to be young and own a car.

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