Monday 13 June 2016



The costumes for our music video have to be planned out before we go out to film our video. We have many characters which need suiting costumes as they are all main characters, which are shown as certain cultures. For us it is important to get the costumes specific to each culture and accurate, as the audience will pick faults with the costumes if they aren't accurate. It is important to pre plan the costumes before we go out and film as we will need to bring appropriate costumes with us to film.

The first character that the costume will need to be planned for is the Asian character. Our initial ideas for this characters costume is a traditional Chinese style costume, such as a robe. This way, the character gets a traditional look to compliment the subject matter of the rap, talking of traditional Asian views. This keeps the audience in the music video as they wont pick apart the errors within the characters and costume, and will piece the character, costume and lyrics together.

For the Indian character the costume chosen will follow more modern ideals of Indian clothing, as shown in the picture. This costume will make audiences see that the Indian character is more traditional, as also stated in the lyrics of the song, and uses more stereotypical ways of getting the audience to see this through costume.

Image result for stereotypical rapper clothes
For the next character, "the black man", there is a clear persona that we need to uphold, and this can be done through the characters wardrobe. A stereotypical rapper will wear stylish and expensive garments, to show that they are wealthy and get paid. This is also shown through the wearing of chains and jewellery. These things will be worn by our black man character. The attire also is more fitting to our target audience of teens, with clothing such as bomber jackets, hoodies and jeans being a common outfit worn by teens. This makes our main artist and protagonist more relatable for the audience, as they identify with the character more through costume.
Image result for fat boss
The white man character is going to be represented as the antagonist within our music video. With this, his costume is a contradiction of sorts to the main character of the black man character. Often with our target audience of teenagers, they seem to view older business men as villainous in society, which is exploited through out casting and costume choice of a suit, something not many teens can relate to wearing. In turn, this causes the audience to view the white man character a negative in our music video, through his costume.

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