Monday 13 June 2016

Magazine Advert Planning

Poster Plan 1

Displayed here is the planning for my magazine poster advert for my artists album "Don't Shoot". The design has been drawn onto an A4 piece of paper in order to symbolise the dimensions possessed by a magazine where the poster would hypothetically be displayed. I have taken my album name from my previous planning and made it the main focus for my poster. My artist is pictured holding his arms in the air to symbolise surrender and to give the impression someone off shot is aiming a gun or weapon at him. The artist is left at the centre of the page to give him the attention as he is the first thing viewers will look at. The action is left out of the scene so it is up to the viewer/reader to fill in the gaps of what they think is happening. Vital information has been included such as the artist name, album name and release date, shown in my plan. There is a red and blue hue to either side of the poster, this represents the lights of a police car and will make it look as if there is a police car off screen and elude to why my artist has his arms in the air. Towards the bottom of the screen I have left space under my artists arms in order to include things such as record labels and information that needs to be shown. This will be easily visible also as the background behind it is a street/pavement which is a light and solid colour for my information to be displayed on. Towards the top there is my artists name. I have chosen to position this in this way as it is the first portion of text shown, however it is smaller than the album name. This is important as the album name remains the largest piece of writing on the poster as people need to know it if they are hypothetically going to go out and buy it. The release date is important as the people reading the magazine will need to know when the album is available to purchase so they can actively go out and buy it and the album will make sales.

Poster Plan 2

This second draft also takes the literal embodiment of the albums title in "Don't Shoot". The shot takes place looking down a scope of a rifle of some sorts. This effect is shown by the crosshairs being in the centre of a circle and having a target aimed at. The target in this instance is the main artist "Mr K Magic". This places him in the centre of the page and gives him the attention of the viewers. The background outside the circle will be a dark grey or black as it will need to be a solid colour in order for the titles to be viewed clearly. The title at the top is the artists name and is displayed there as it is an important piece of information the viewer would need if they were to go and buy the album. The next important piece of writing is shown at the bottom and is the album name "Don't Shoot". It is large and red to display itself to the audience clearly as that is the selling point for the album that viewers need to look out for in stores.

I have decided to choose my first poster design as it seems like a more achievable and simplistic design which I can create using Photoshop. It also holds meaning with the context of my music video, wherein the end scene, my artist is shown being arrested.

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